When was the last time that you saw a film, or video, or performance piece that depicted a positive vision of the future?
There is a dearth of optimistic storytelling in our culture. Capitalism has trouble imagining anything beyond its own demise, which is an effect of the desertification that emerges from unsustainable, imperialist approaches to mind, body, and earth. Without tangible, regenerative visions of the future, we have no other direction to orient ourselves except toward destruction.
We are interested in worldbuilding positive futures in the husk of the capitalist experiment.
We are presenting time-based pieces that imagine futures, however conflicted, in which we all may thrive.
These works consider positive futures for those of us who are neurodivergent, queer, dis/abled, people of color, historically under-resourced, and so on.
These works imagine a future in which the overculture’s relationship to our planet is no longer one of resource domination and extraction, but rather one of interconnection and ecological regeneration.
These works imagine futures invested in the decolonization and liberation of modern technology, which so often is created to serve the capitalist machine that will be our undoing. What of a future in which nature and technology fuse?